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Why are you running for office and what issues interest you most?

I am running for office because I have not felt like our politicians are listening to our voices. My intent is to listen to the concerns of the citizens of Oklahoma State District 65 and represent them accordingly. 

The issues that I am most interested in are our God given or natural human rights, which include life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all faiths. These rights should be protected by our government, as our government should be taking orders from the citizens, not ordering or mandating to our citizens. The Bill of Rights was written to protect the rights of the citizens of the country from the government and other people. For far too long, our lawmakers have been whittling away at our rights, bit by bit. This needs to be reversed. This is why I am for limited government. 

I also have strong opinions against using any Electronic or Computer devices in our Election System. Any computer can be manipulated by bad actors and even with the vast resources of the Federal Government, they have continually proven that they cannot prevent it. How could our State Election Systems be any safer from manipulation? Our vote is our voice, which is sacred, and we need to get back to "hand marked" and "hand counted" at the precinct level.   

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